じょうしょう気流 「上小(じょうしょう)地域」と聞いて、みなさんは長野県のどの地域を思い浮かべますか?「上小地域」は、上田市、東御市、小県郡長和町、青木村の2市1町1村からなり、群馬県の西側に接する地域です。「上小」には自然、歴史、文化、おいしい農産物など、さまざまな魅力がありますが、それらを上田合同庁舎の職員の目で見て綴り、皆さんにご紹介してまいります。



しあわせ信州 > 長野県魅力発信ブログ > じょうしょう気流 > 職員のみつけた情報コーナー > Welcome! Heartwarming trip in Ueda, Nagano with my friend from Thailand②

Welcome! Heartwarming trip in Ueda, Nagano with my friend from Thailand②

★Continuation of “Welcome! Heartwarming trip in Ueda, Nagano with my friend from Thailand①“★
We walked down to the shopping street of ”Unno machi”.

We dropped by the grocery store “TAIYO MARCHE”. Fresh vegetables, everyday dishes, snacks and the product of Nagano are there and all of them are good quality.

Moreover, the store manager was so cheerful that his smile brought us much happiness.

After that, we went to the shop named “Fuji ice” to buy “Jiman yaki”.

Jiman yaki is the pancake stuffed with sweet bean paste or custard. It costs only 80 yen each.

Jiman yaki is also called ”Ooban yaki” or ” Imagawa yaki” in the different part of Japan.

However, we Ueda locals call it “Jiman yaki”. Why? …That is because it’s our pride, I guess. “Jiman” means “Proud” in Japanese. Literally we are proud of it! As usual the locals made a long line to buy it.

▲One of the best things to do in winter is eating hot snacks outside with friends!<3

Lastly we went to “Ueda Eigeki”, which is the theater with more than 100 years history. The set used for the movie “A Bolt from the Blue” has still left, so we could enjoy the atmosphere of Asakusa, Tokyo though we were in Ueda.

Our short but fulfilling trip was done!
The hotel we stayed at was… Please wait next article! Thank you for reading today!



上田地域振興局 総務管理課総務係