

しあわせ信州 > 長野県魅力発信ブログ > 国際交流員って何をやってるの? > その他 > 第12回写真展示会「外国籍県民が撮った長野」を開催します (クリス・李)

第12回写真展示会「外国籍県民が撮った長野」を開催します (クリス・李)


Presenting the 12th “Nagano International Perspective” Photo Exhibition


This year’s theme: “The Warmth of Nagano”

Despite the cold climate, Nagano Prefecture is full of warmth! From the warm welcome of the residents, to the heart-warming foods, there’s a wealth of ways to get you through the cold winter days!
If you have a special photo from Nagano that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, be sure to share it with the entire prefecture! A winter dinner, the spring-time blossoms, a summer’s hike, the autumn colours – we would love to see what makes Nagano warm and cozy for you!

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企画振興部 国際交流課